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保单特色 Features
无年龄限制,老幼皆保No age application limits
无免赔额,全额理赔No deductible
高额医药费用保障补偿,紧急医疗救援Medical reimbursement with emergency medical assistance
十五项周全保障,涵盖人身、财物和行程保障Comprehensive protection
二十四小时全球服务24 hours worldwide emergency assistance service
保险期间灵活,从1到180天可灵活组合计划Flexible insurance period
意外身故、烧伤及残疾保险金(Accidental Death、Burns and Dismemberment):赔偿因意外事故导致的身故、烧伤或残疾。Provide a lump sum payment in the event of a death,burns or dismemberment as a result of an accident.
医疗费用补偿(Medical Reimbursement Rider):赔偿因罹患疾病或意外事故而导致的实际医药费用。Reimburse the actual medical expenses due to an injury or sickness.
医疗运送和送返(Medical Evacuation & Repatriation Rider):若被保险人罹患疾病或遭受意外事故,由蒙迪艾尔旅行援助服务公司安排及提供医疗运送和送返的服务。Mondial-assistance will arrange and provide the medical evacuation and repatriation services, if the Insured Person suffers an injury or sickness during a trip.
身故遗体送返(Repatriation of Mortal Remains Rider):若被保险人不幸身故,蒙迪艾尔旅行援助服务公司安排遗体送返住所地。Mondial-assistance will arrange the repatriation of remains of the Insured Person to his/her place of residence.
附加医疗协助服务(Additional Medical Assistance Services Rider Medical Reimbursement Rider):被保险人在旅行期间,蒙迪艾尔旅行援助服务公司提供附加医疗协助服务 Mondial-assistance will provide Additional Medical Assistance Services Rider Medical Reimbursement Rider during a trip
a) 若被保险人罹患疾病或身故,送返无独立生活能力之子女 Return of Dependant Children
b) 若被保险人罹患疾病或身故,送返旅行同伴 Return of Traveling Companion
c) 若被保险人直系亲属身故且必须参加葬礼,公司会送返被保险人回中国进行慰问探访 Compassionate Visit
随身物品(Personal Effects):赔偿行李、行李中物品及随身物品的被窃、被抢或因第三方责任而被损坏Covers any loss or damage of personal baggage and effects due to theft or robbery or caused by third party.
旅程延误 (Travel Delay):若由于恶劣天 气、机械故障、自然灾害、罢工、劫持而导致飞机或轮船延误连续6小时以上,被保险人可获本公司补偿Benefit will be paid for every 6 hours of delay, due to inclement weather, natural disaster equipment failure, strike or hijack.
转机延误(Missed Connecting Flight):若由于机械故障、罢工、重大火灾、暴雨、水灾而导致错失继续前行需要乘搭的预定航 班、国际列 车或轮船12小时以上 Benefit will be paid for every 12 hours of delay, due to inclement weather, natural disaster equipment failure, strike or hijack.
个人钱财(Personal Effects Rider):赔偿个人被窃或被抢劫的个人钱财。Cover loss of money due to theft and robbery 旅行证件丢失 (Loss of Travel Documents Rider):保障因遗失护照、旅行票据及其它旅行证件所支付的重置费用及相关额外旅行和酒店住宿费用。Cover the cost of replacement for passports, travel tickets and other travel documents as well as additional travel expenses, hotel accommodation expenses incurred.
旅程缩短 (Trip Curtailment Rider):若被保险人因遭受劫持、送返医疗、直系亲属患病或死亡、或目的地发生暴动、或因突发公共交 通工具承运人雇员罢工、自然灾害、目的地突发传染病而无法正常旅行,则其未使用且不可退回的旅行费用可获赔偿。The Company shall reimburse the Insured Person the unused and non-refundable travel expenses for the Journey due to hijack, medical repatriation and evacuation, reasons death, serious injury or serious sickness of the Insured person’s Immediate Family Members sudden occurrence of strikes by employees of a Common Carrier, outbreak of riots, natural disasters, or epidemics at the planned destination
境外个人责任 (Personal Liability Abroad Rider ):赔偿因意外事故导致他人身体伤害或财产损失而依法实际支付的赔偿金额。Cover legal expense and compensation for bodily injury or damage to property of the third party as a result of accident
保险利益明细表 Schedule
保险期限 标准型套餐B--成年人 标准型套餐B--未年人 经济型--混合套餐C 经济型--门诊医疗套餐D 经济型--欧洲送签套餐E
1-5天 250 200 193 176 93
6-7天 290 210 224 207 104
8-10天 430 260 329 307 149
11-14天 500 340 383 354 183
15-21天 550 400 423 389 223
22-30天 650 550 504 452 294
31-45天 820 700 635 566 395
46-60天 990 860 768 682 498
61-75天 1220 1080 946 837 636
76-90天 1530 1310 1186 1045 826
180天内 1870 1600 - - -
65天(多次往返,每次旅行不超过90天) 1700 1570
主险 1、海外意外身故、残疾及三度烧伤 30万元 10万元 5万元 5万元 5万元
必选险 2、海外紧急住院医疗费用 30万元 30万元 30万元 30万元
3、紧急医疗运送入送返 100万元 100万元 100万元 100万元
4、遗体或骨灰送返回国 10万元 10万元 10万元 10万元
5、灵柩费 6000元 6000元 6000元 6000元
6、丧葬费 2万元 2万元 2万元 2万元
7、旅行援助服务及其他附加服务 蒙迪艾尔24小时覆盖全球旅行支援服务
附加险1 8、海外紧急门诊医疗和牙科费用 30万元 30万元 30万元 -
附加险2 9、每日住院现金补助 每日200元(累计住院以20天为限) 每日200元(累计住院以20天为限) - 每日200元(累计住院以20天为限)
10、未成年子女住院陪同 每日600元(累计住院以5天为限) - 每日200元(累计住院以20天为限) - 每日200元(累计住院以20天为限)
11、送返未成年子女 送返经济舱机票及旅行签证费用 - 送返经济舱机票及旅行签证费用 - 送返经济舱机票及旅行签证费用
12、送返随行人员 单程经济舱机票费用 单程经济舱机票费用 - 单程经济舱机票费用
13、慰问探访 单程经济舱机票费用 单程经济舱机票费用 - 单程经济舱机票费用
14、旅行廷误 2000元(每小时给付250元) 2000元(每小时给付250元) - 2000元(每小时给付250元)
15、旅行证件丢失 1万元 1万元 - 1万元
保障特色 16、自动顺延 不可抗力原因而导致旅程增加,保险将自动顺延到行程结束 不可抗力原因而导致旅程增加,保险将自动顺延到行程结束
17、保障地域范围 全球(除以下的国家和地区:中国大陆、阿富汗、布隆迪、中非共和国、乍得共和国、刚果民主共和国、东帝汶民主共和国、厄立特里亚、几内亚、海地、伊拉克、科特迪瓦、科比里亚、所罗门群岛、索马里、苏丹)
18、年龄限制、免赔额 全部产品均没有年龄限制、无免赔额
19、满足欧洲申根签证要求 满足

   蒙迪艾尔为您提供了极其方便的援助环境,覆盖全球的服务网络, 24小时全球旅行支援服务24 hours worldwide Travel Assistance Service 蒙迪艾尔为您提供了极其方便的援助环境,覆盖全球的服务网络,24小时的援助热线,训练有素的专业人士,无母语障碍的沟通方式。无论你在何时、何处,只需一个免费电话,蒙迪艾尔救援人员会随时为您提供帮助—— Mondial provide the help that you need is made as simple and convenient as possible. Our Response Center is available to you on a 24hr basis in your local language. so no matter where you are, one phone call can arrange everything you need.
国际医疗救援,包括安排入院许可、费用垫付,牙医急诊和紧急医疗运送;International medical assistance, including arrangement of hospital admission, payment guarantee and emergency medical evacuation & repatriation;
各种咨讯服务,特设有24小时咨询和礼宾服务热线;Arrange of 24 hours’ advice services.
特别协助,包括护照遗失协寻、行李遗失协寻和紧急旅游协助;Special Assistance, including lost travel document assistance, lost luggage assistance and emergency travel assistance
如何利用Mondial-assistance蒙迪艾尔旅行援助服务 How To Take Advantage of Mondial-assistance
  When a problem occurs while traveling, arguably the most important thing is, where will help come from, Mondial Assistance is an Allianz Group company and also happens to be the largest Assistance Company of its type in the world, Mondial Assistance has more than 400,000 service providers spread across the globe and for you, that means that assistance is nerve far away. What you should do to access the services only is to place your collect call through long-distance telephone operator for 24-hour medical service and tell the Mondial-assistance operator details of your policy number, current location, telephone number and which service you need.
赔偿指南Claims Handling
申请赔偿请与本公司联络,索取理赔申请表格Please contact the Company to obtain the claim form.
填妥理赔申请表格连同保险合同及有关证明文件递送至本公司理赔部Complete the form and return to our Claim department, together with the Insurance Policy and all relevant supporting documents.
有关证明文件包括医院或医生报告,医药费用等原始收据,警方或承运人的证明等All relevant supporting documents include medical reports, hospital original receipts, police reports, carrier statements, etc.
本保险产品简介不构成保险合同的一部份,详细内容请参阅保险合同条款,并以该条款为准。 This Document does not constitute to the part of the insurance policy, Please refer to the provisions in the policy for the details.
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